Achmad Hendarsyah,
Front-End Developer

Self-taught Front-End developer based in Indonesia. Currently, I'm focused on improving my knowledge of front-end technology and am open to collaboration.

About Me


Hello! My name is Achmad. My interest in web development started in 2016 when I accidentally opened the inspect element tab on a site which ended up tweaking the appearance of the website and in the end taught me a lot about HTML and CSS.

However, it was only at the end of 2020 that I began to focus on deepening my knowledge about web development by taking courses from Dicoding through a scholarship program in collaboration with Indosat Ooredoo (IDCamp), several classes from BuildWith Angga and also Udemy.

My main goal is to become a reliable Front-End Developer, but it is also possible to become a Full-Stack JavaScript Developer because I also study technology in Back-End development.

Here are some of the technologies I've learned:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap CSS

Some of My Project

  • Project 01

    Dicodev Forum App

    Dicodev Forum is a web-based application where users can create a forum/thread, make comments on a thread and give a thumbs up/down reaction to a thread or a comment. This application was created as a requirement to pass Menjadi React Web Developer Expert class from Dicoding.
    • [React.js]
    • [Redux]
    • [Cypress]
    • [Storybook]
    Dicodev Forum App Poster
  • Project 02

    Eru Restaurant

    The project that was made as a final submission to the class became a Front-End Web Developer Expert from Dicoding where I learned a lot about the things that are the key to how to create an optimal web, easy to use, and accessible on all devices.
    • [JavaScript Clean Code]
    • [Automation Testing]
    • [PWA]
    • [Accessibility]
    • [Performance]
    Eru Restaurant Poster
  • Project 03

    Website Top Up Voucher Game

    A project created from taking a course in the Full-Stack JavaScript Developer class from BuildWith Angga with a case study of making a game voucher top up website using MERN stack technology.
    • [Mongo DB]
    • [Express]
    • [React.js (Next.js)]
    • [Node.js]
    Website Top Up Voucher Game Poster

Recent blogs

Get in Touch

Even though I'm still in the learning stage of web development, I'm open to collaborating. If you have any questions or just want to say hello, don't hesitate to let me know!

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